Wednesday 2 October 2019

Concert at Vasantha Vallabha Kalyani on 28th Sept 2019: Very few are those moments in one's musical life that are so satisfying. One such was on Saturday when I performed at Vasantha Vallabha Kalyani. Wonderful setting.. Perfect sound system.. awesome accompanists.. cool audience! An experience so unique and different from the concerts in regular sabhas/auditoriums. I am delighted to be sharing some pics and a superb write-up about the concert by noted writer Mekhala Hiriyanna. Click here for the link to the write-up

Thursday 21 February 2019

SI 3 Paper Presentations - Track 1 - Session 2 - Spiritual Streams of Ta...

Here is my paper presentation titled 'Integration of Tamil Isai with the Vedic and Sanskritic Tradition' at the Swadeshi Indology Conference-3, held at IIT Chennai on 22nd, 23rd and 24th Dec 2017. (From 29:46 onwards)

Click here for pdf